The first Earth Observation Day (KHEOBS Day) will be a special opportunity for all those involved or interested in remote sensing in Cambodia, whether in the research, institutional or private sectors, to share their experiences. The event will take place on Tuesday 28th of May at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), Room A-109, ground floor of the main Building A, at ITC in Phnom Penh.

Abstract submissions for oral presentations (15 minutes followed by 5 minutes for questions) or posters is now closed.

The pre-program is now available.
This first 2024 edition of the KHEOBS Day will feature 16 oral presentations and numerous posters in different sessions:

  1. Coastal management / spatial hydrology
  2. Land management/ecology
  3. Climate and urban planning
  4. Satellite and aerial data

Registration is free, but necessary to cover meals and coffee breaks. Registration is open on this website until May 24, 2024.

We look forward to seeing many of you at this first remote sensing event in Cambodia.




Download here the KHEOBS Day 2024 Booklet (Introduction, program, list of participants)


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